Sunday, November 23, 2008

Hudson Vally Pottery Student Sale

The student sale is coming up at HVP. Opening is December 6th from 11-4. It should be a fun time. I did a quick poster and I think it came out pretty nice.

This week I made some slab porcelain cups. They are super thin and a lot of them separated from their slab bottoms already. I need to experiment with how much slip is needed to make them stick. I also need to dry them slowly. I'll have to do some research on any porcelain tips & tricks. I'm thinking I'll make some more pieces, then do a bisque right after Thanksgiving. Then I will have enough time to do a glaze test kiln before the holiday and another after. At the studio I threw two nice big pasta bowls but one of them has a super thin bottom. I'm trying to correct my s-crack problem and have been over compressing my bottoms. Now that I am throwing decent size bowls I really don't want them to crack.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the poster! :) wish I lived closer to visit the sale. Peace :)