A few years ago I found an article on Nancy Bauch of
White Forest Pottery in Martha Stewart Magazine. To say I was inspired was an understatement. Her work is sublime and I want one of everything. It is obviously handmade and has the imperfections to show it. But what really hooked me was her lifestyle. I'm not sure if I had already decided to move to the Hudson Valley yet, but I think seeing her studio, her home, her garden, and her great style made me want to have it all. I have lived in so many different places and didn't know if I'd ever find a place where I felt completely at ease. When I saw her lifestyle I realized the Hudson Valley is somewhere I would feel at home, and I do. I guess vision boards really do work because I am in the Hudson Valley, starting my own pottery business, and starting to piece together a studio, the home and garden will have to wait.
They are not really featured on her website but Nancy has a new line of crocheted paperweight rocks and her vessels are at
Hammertown in Rhinebeck. They are georgous objects and I hope to get one from Santa.