I really need to practice throwing after being out of the game for a few months. I am getting used to my wheel and the bat I have really bug me, but I'm going to make due. An old teacher of mine wanted me to do an exercise; 100 cylinders. I blew it off at the time b/c I had x-mas presents to make and grand plans for some great designs....yeah they never came about and in the meantime I've picked up a bunch of bad habits. So, this week is 100 cylinders week. Back to the basics. I am concentrating on 3 real problems; s-cracks, I pull too thin in the middle of the pull so I usually torque the piece, and always have a warped rim. I'll post how I fixed those issues. Any suggestions are welcome as well! Oh and I always crush my piece getting it off the wheel, so I rely on bats. Maybe I should not use bats for this exercise...that may be too much for me to handle.